Category: Doctrine

November 29, 2016 Matthew Recker

You are going to love this message because most people love fireworks, travel, and speed.   1. WHAT GOD CREATES on the Fourth Day? God creates the sun, moon, and stars which includes all the 100-500 billion galaxies each containing perhaps billions of stars! 2. WHAT is THEIR FUNCTION?   “Let there be lights…” A….

November 8, 2016 Matthew Recker

Genesis 1:9-13 Back to the Beginning, part 7 When the word DAY is modified with a number, which occurs more than 100 times in the LAW alone, it is always a literal meaning of the word, DAY. Each day, therefore, deals with a 24 hour period of time!  See examples in Genesis 7:4, 10,11, 12,…

October 6, 2016 Matthew Recker

It is a major assumption by many scientists that the earth is very old, over four billion years. However, Archbishop Usher formulated a date of 4004 BC as the date of creation. Dr. John Lightfoot formulated a similar date. Based on the Bible, the earth is no where as old as evolutionary scientists say that…

September 8, 2016 Matthew Recker

Genesis 1:1; In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. Genesis 1:1 states the general account of creation in which the time-space-mass universe had an absolute beginning. This verse answers: who is in charge, by whose rules do we play, and who will we answer to at the end of the day? This…

July 4, 2016 Matthew Recker

In part 1, we defined Timothy Keller’s view of theistic evolution and offered his rationale for holding his position. In part 2, we considered a more thorough discussion of the ERRORS Keller makes in his compromised theology of Creation. 4. Keller’s Theistic Evolution: An Answer Here are four points to answer the theistic evolutionary position. Of course,…

June 27, 2016 Matthew Recker

In part 1, we defined Timothy Keller’s view of theistic evolution and offered his rationale for holding his position. 3. Keller’s Theistic Evolution: His Errors: The following quote from his book, The Reason for God, highlights some deep flaws in Keller’s thinking. In the quote, Keller replies to the concerns of a young intellectual who is terribly…

June 22, 2016 Matthew Recker

FBFI National Meeting Workshop Presented by Matt Recker June 14-16, 2016 Tim Keller is the highly influential founding pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York City. My first introduction to Dr. Keller’s evolutionary position was in a New York Times article, January 25, 1998, which quotes him saying: ON CREATIONISM: ‘‘I don’t think Genesis…

May 13, 2016 Matthew Recker

There is great power in prayer!  I am presently reading a challenging and convicting book entitled, “Prayer: Asking and Receiving” by Dr. John R. Rice. It is encouraging me greatly to pray and to expect great and miraculous things from the hand of our God.   Dr. Rice writes,   “Until God’s people can have…

May 11, 2016 Matthew Recker

God Made us Either Male or Female By Matt Recker I woke up today and asked myself, what in the world is going on in North Carolina?  Why is the Obama Administration filing a federal lawsuit against the State of North Carolina?  What is all this fuss about bathrooms, anyway?  Is going to the bathroom…

May 5, 2016 Matthew Recker

Luke 2:35 Simeon prophecies that Mary’s motherhood will be accompanied by a piercing sword of sorrow to her soul.  How could this SINLESS SON who would never do wrong, bring sorrow? Luke 2:35-36; Behold, this child is set for the fall and rising again of many in Israel; and for a sign which shall be…