Power in Prayer!

May 13, 2016 Matthew Recker

There is great power in prayer!  I am presently reading a challenging and convicting book entitled, “Prayer: Asking and Receiving” by Dr. John R. Rice. It is encouraging me greatly to pray and to expect great and miraculous things from the hand of our God.


Dr. Rice writes,


“Until God’s people can have definite, remarkable, provable answers to prayer, then we had as well expect that our young people will grow up doubting that there is a miracle-working, prayer-hearing and prayer-answering God. The remedy for unbelief is that God’s people shall pray and have their prayers answered.”


Is this one reason so many of our young people have left the God we love and have sought to serve?


Gideon cried out to God, “Where be all His miracles which our fathers told us of?”


“God did not scorn the plea of Gideon. God did not say, as so many of our beloved but powerless Bible teachers today say, that miracles are all for the past and not for the present. Rather, God was delighted that Gideon demanded evidence of His power.”  (pages 36-37)


As we continue in our 40 Days of Church-wide Fasting and Prayer, may we cry out as Gideon, “Where be all of Your Miracles, O Lord.  Do a miracle for us at Heritage in the heart of Manhattan, for the glory of the name of JESUS CHRIST!”  God is just as willing to hear our prayers as He heard Elijah, Paul, Hannah, or Peter of old.  “O Thou that hearest prayer” is His name!   Let’s refuse to live powerless in prayer but believe God can revive, save souls, build His church and provide a Rehoboth for us in Manhattan!