Slaying the Giant Lie of Evolution

September 8, 2016 Matthew Recker

Genesis 1:1; In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

  • Genesis 1:1 states the general account of creation in which the time-space-mass universe had an absolute beginning. This verse answers: who is in charge, by whose rules do we play, and who will we answer to at the end of the day?
  • This incredibly simple statement and the entire account of creation in Genesis 1 is in complete harmony with science. First, the Law of Cause and Effect. Second, the two laws of thermodynamics (heat energy).
  • The First Law of Thermodynamics, is called the law of conservation of energy. Nothing is being created or destroyed. Matter had an absolute beginning.
  • The Second Law of Thermodynamics, is called the law of entropy. In every interchange of energy there is a tendency for useable energy to run out. Matter is not eternal.
  • Here is the lie of evolution: Nobody X Nothing = EVERYTHING
  • The lie of evolution states that over time and by blind chance, matter evolved into the entire universe.
  • Evolution says that non-living matter produced living matter; non-personal influences produced personal beings, biological accidents resulted in ordered life; non-rational forces produced rational creatures. This is a giant lie!
  • Henry Morris has said, “Evolution is a contemporary expression of the long war against God.”
  • Evolution is a non-negotiable doctrine, a bedrock belief, a fixed absolute, for a humanistic culture that despises moral absolutes. This lie must be slain!
  • Let’s look at three verses that slay the lie of evolution:
  1. Evolution is Willful ANARCHY, Romans 1:20-32
  • Anarchy is the disorder that results when there is no authority. Evolution ultimately seeks to remove the authority of God from our sphere of life.

A. Intellectual Anarchy, v.18-20

B. Religious Anarchy, v.21-23

C. Moral Anarchy, v.24-32


2. Evolution is Philosophical KIDNAPPING, Colossians 2:8


  • “Spoil=” means to plunder and lead a person captive and astray from the truth.


3. Evolution is Ungodly DECEPTION, 1 Timothy 6:20,21


  • Profane= ungodly
  • Evolution parades as science but its true intention is to overthrow the faith of God’s Word.  

The sermon that accompanies this outline is here:


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