
Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom:
and with all thy getting get understanding.

Is Christianity Based on Fear?

By Matthew Recker | September 30, 2016

There are many attacks against Christianity. A brother in our church sent me a list of such attacks that his co-worker presented to him. This co-worker constantly attacks and mocks his faith, so I thought it might be good to face these attacks head on.   Attack #1: “Christianity is based on fear.”  An answer…

Four Reasons Genesis 1 is Real History, part 2

By Matthew Recker | September 20, 2016

Back to the Beginning, part 3 Before we deal with this important question, let’s quickly provide an answer to a common question we have, which is, when did God create the Angels which includes Lucifer? Psalm 104:4; Who maketh his angels spirits; His ministers a flaming fire. Job 38:4-7 deal specifically with the original creation…

Genesis 1 is True and Real History

By Matthew Recker | September 14, 2016

Genesis 1:1: “In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth.”   1.) Genesis 1:1 Establishes the FOUNDATIONAL TRUTH of Scripture: The ALL WISE, ALL POWERFUL, Eternal God in the past created, suddenly and supernaturally, instantaneously and out of nothing (ex nihilo), without pre-existing material the universe as it is now in six solar days and…

Slaying the Giant Lie of Evolution

By Matthew Recker | September 8, 2016

Genesis 1:1; In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. Genesis 1:1 states the general account of creation in which the time-space-mass universe had an absolute beginning. This verse answers: who is in charge, by whose rules do we play, and who will we answer to at the end of the day? This…

Unity in Church is Not Easy to Attain

By Matthew Recker | August 18, 2016

No one can be in a church for any length of time without coming face to face with this reality: maintaining unity and love in the congregation requires constant attention.   In a community of believers who sincerely believe in our Lord Jesus Christ, who have a deeply held personal faith, who demonstrate a zeal…

The Cure for Burnout

By Matthew Recker | July 26, 2016

The Way Out of Burnout, part 4   The Word of God divinely diagnoses conditions such as burnout, but it also tells us the cure. So far we have considered the causes of burnout and some of the common mistakes we make when we are depressed. In the Elijah narrative found in 1 Kings 19:5-8…