
Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom:
and with all thy getting get understanding.

Deliverance from Suicide

By Matthew Recker | June 11, 2018

There has been a recent catastrophic wave of suicide among those who are rich and famous. This past weekend two others jumped out of Manhattan buildings to their death. These unspeakable tragedies remind us that sometimes the least likely people in the least likely places are thinking about suicide. This evokes the memory of that…

Henry Dunster: Harvard’s First President a Profile of Baptist Courage

By Matthew Recker | June 6, 2018

In the early days of our fledgling nation, pressure to conform to the Church of England drove many individuals to the new world. Henry Dunster was one of many who departed England for the freedom and spiritual life available in the colonies, immigrating to the new colonies in 1640.  Soon after arriving to the new…

Church Anniversary Sunday May 27th!

By Matthew Recker | May 21, 2018

This Sunday Heritage Baptist Church will celebrate her 22nd Anniversary. We are so grateful for the house of God. We believe it is Christ-like and glorifying to God to have a passion for His church. Scripture says, “Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for it” (Ephesians 5:25). A lot of people say they…

Confronting Loneliness

By Matthew Recker | May 7, 2018

A recent study deems loneliness a national epidemic, plaguing nearly half of our population. Specifically, 46% of Americans report “always feeling alone,” and 27% feel as though people do not understand them. Generation Z (ages 18-22) is the loneliest generation according to this study. Another important finding is that social media provides no cure for…

Grow, Christian, Grow!

By Matthew Recker | April 25, 2018

May I ask you lovingly but directly: are you growing spiritually? Are you continually developing stronger spiritual character of love, self-control, peace, and holy desires? Jude tells us we need to be “building up yourselves on your most holy faith” (Jude 20). What a challenge! This makes clear our personal responsibility for our spiritual growth…

Three Powerful Facts the Resurrection Proves

By Matthew Recker | April 12, 2018

Looking at the resurrection from a purely scientific or philosophical standpoint it may seem too impossible to be possible, too unbelievable to believe, and too incredible to be credible. Yet it is true. Jesus lives. How can you explain the Apostles Paul or Peter, without the reality of the resurrection? There is no way such…